Thursday, October 14, 2010


At this very moment, I feel compelled to bow down again.

1040 movie screening and Jaeson Ma is tonight, but somehow I feel a little...overwhelmed, good and bad - overwhelmed by excitement, overwhelmed by anxiousness.
It's suppose to rain, HARD.

But who are we to count the number of people who will come? Who are we to decide what God has planned for this night, this life? Who are we to say that our hard works are worth the reward? And who are we to say that bad weather only brings disaster?

Is God not powerful enough? Is He not conscious enough? Is He not greater than all of our imaginations combined?

I am compelled to lay my face down again, bow humbly and remind myself that it's all His work, His purpose, His will. Nothing we do will ever change or deter His plan. Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Matt Redman: Facedown

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